Jorge Alberdi

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Revista de la Asociación Odontológica Argentina Jorge Alberdi

Jorge Alberdi


Cátedras de Endodoncia I y II, Escuela de Odontología, Universidad del Salvador / Asociación Odontológica Argentina. Círculo Odontológico de Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina

Participation in articles:


Estudio comparativo de la conformación generada con las limas ProGlider y WaveOne Gold Glider en conductos curvos simulados
Comparative study of the shaping ability generated with ProGlider and WaveOne Gold Glider in simulated curved canals
Autor/es: Florencia Schlie, Leonardo Risso, Jorge Alberdi, Fernando Goldberg
Pages: 119-123  |  Vol: 106  |  Nº 4  |  Dic 2018  |  Published: 10/01/2019

Abstract   |   PDF   |   Full text


Evaluación con tomografía axial computada de haz cónico de la conformación de conductos mesiales de molares inferiores instrumentados con los sistemas WaveOne y ProTaper Universal. Estudio ex vivo
Cone beam computed tomography shaping evaluation in mandibular mesial root canals instrumented with WaveOne and Universal ProTaper systems. Ex vivo study
Autor/es: Liliana Artaza, Jorge Alberdi, Fernando Goldberg
Pages: 64-72  |  Vol: 103  |  Nº 2  |  Jun 2015  |  Published: 20/06/2015

Abstract   |   PDF   |   Full text

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Journal of the Argentine Dental Association

Journal of the Argentine Dental Association, RAOA, is the main means of expression of Argentine scientific production in dentistry and a link and means of information for colleagues and institutions in the country and abroad.
Printed version ISSN 0004-4881
Electronic version ISSN 2683-7226.
DOI: 10.52979/raoa.1898
Title: Rev Asoc Odontol Argent

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