Mónica Astudillo-Ramírez

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Revista de la Asociación Odontológica Argentina Mónica Astudillo-Ramírez

Mónica Astudillo-Ramírez

ORCID id: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8069-4038

Servicio de Cirugía Maxilofacial, Hospital San José, Santiago de Chile, Chile

Participation in articles:


Artrocentesis en el tratamiento de artritis séptica en articulación temporomandibular. Reporte de un caso
Arthrocentesis in the treatment of septic arthritis in the temporomandibular joint. A case report
Autor/es: Mónica Astudillo-Ramírez, Rubén Soto Galaz, Rodrigo Bravo Ahumada
Pages: 185-189  |  Vol: 109  |  Nº 3  |  Dic 2021  |  Published: 15/12/2021

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Manifestación de impétigo y herpes zóster relacionado con el uso de mascarilla durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Informe de caso
Mask-related manifestation of impetigo and herpes zoster during the COVID-19 pandemic. Case report
Autor/es: Carla Pía Cittadini, Mónica Astudillo-Ramírez, Marcelo Mardones Muñoz
Pages: 86-90  |  Vol: 109  |  Nº 2  |  Ago 2021  |  Published: 20/08/2021

Full text   |   PDF   |   Contiene Abstract

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Journal of the Argentine Dental Association

Journal of the Argentine Dental Association, RAOA, is the main means of expression of Argentine scientific production in dentistry and a link and means of information for colleagues and institutions in the country and abroad.
Printed version ISSN 0004-4881
Electronic version ISSN 2683-7226.
DOI: 10.52979/raoa.1898
Title: Rev Asoc Odontol Argent

Open Access RAOA   Creative Commons RAOA

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