Jorge Fernando Del Río

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Revista de la Asociación Odontológica Argentina Jorge Fernando Del Río

Jorge Fernando Del Río


Cátedra de Implantología Facultad de Odontología, Universidad Maimónides, Argentina. Hospital Interzonal Especializado Materno Infantil “Don Victorio Tetamanti”, Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Participation in articles:


Urgencia odontopediátrica asociada a Bola Adiposa de Bichat. Informe de un caso
Pediatric dental emergency associated with Bichat´s fat pad. A case report
Autor/es: Natalia E. Cutura Núñez, Alicia Herrera, Jorge Fernando Del Río, Cristian F. D. Pérez Campos, María Gruce, Josefina Sette
Pages: 26-30  |  Vol: 110  |  Nº 1  |  Abr 2022  |  Published: 15/04/2022

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Quiste dentígero de gran tamaño que ocupa el seno maxilar y desplaza a tercer y cuarto molares ectópicos a fosa cigomática
Large dentigerous cyst in the maxillary sinus with displacing ectopic third and fourth molars into zygomatic fossa
Autor/es: Carlos Israel Paganini, Gerardo Francisco Saiz, Sebastián Carella, Jorge Fernando Del Río
Pages: 146-149  |  Vol: 101  |  Nº 4  |  Dic 2013  |  Published: 20/12/2013

Abstract   |   PDF   |   Full text

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Journal of the Argentine Dental Association

Journal of the Argentine Dental Association, RAOA, is the main means of expression of Argentine scientific production in dentistry and a link and means of information for colleagues and institutions in the country and abroad.
Printed version ISSN 0004-4881
Electronic version ISSN 2683-7226.
DOI: 10.52979/raoa.1898
Title: Rev Asoc Odontol Argent

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