Josefina Gutiérrez
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Transmigrant impacted mandibular canines. A case report and a literature review
Autor/es: Marcelo Cerullo, Josefina Gutiérrez, Ludmila Betsabé Antonelli, Matías Urdapilleta
Pages: 118-122 | Vol: 101 | Nº 3 | Sep 2013 | Published: 20/09/2013
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Josefina Gutiérrez
Carrera de Especialización en Cirugía y Traumatología Buco Máxilo Facial, Facultad de Odontología, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Participation in articles:
Migración de caninos inferiores. Reporte de un caso clínico y reseña de la literaturaTransmigrant impacted mandibular canines. A case report and a literature review
Autor/es: Marcelo Cerullo, Josefina Gutiérrez, Ludmila Betsabé Antonelli, Matías Urdapilleta
Pages: 118-122 | Vol: 101 | Nº 3 | Sep 2013 | Published: 20/09/2013
Abstract | PDF | Full text
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Journal of the Argentine Dental Association
Journal of the Argentine Dental Association, RAOA, is the main means of expression of Argentine scientific production in dentistry and a link and means of information for colleagues and institutions in the country and abroad.
Printed version ISSN 0004-4881
Electronic version ISSN 2683-7226.
DOI: 10.52979/raoa.1898
Title: Rev Asoc Odontol Argent