Silvia Catalina López Ibarra
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State of the pulpal orifice of simulated lateral canals after the removal of the primary obturation in endodontic retreatment
Autor/es: Ana Laura Cabrera Vásquez, Silvia Catalina López Ibarra, Vilma San Juan Martínez, Zuriel Nefatalí Rodríguez Ortega, Claudia Isabel Vargas Martínez
Pages: 109-115 | Vol: 105 | Nº 3 | Sep 2017 | Published: 30/09/2017
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Silvia Catalina López Ibarra
Maestría en Endodoncia, Facultad de Odontología, Universidad Autónoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca, México
Participation in articles:
Estado del orificio pulpar de conductos laterales simulados luego de la remoción de la obturación primaria en el retratamiento endodónticoState of the pulpal orifice of simulated lateral canals after the removal of the primary obturation in endodontic retreatment
Autor/es: Ana Laura Cabrera Vásquez, Silvia Catalina López Ibarra, Vilma San Juan Martínez, Zuriel Nefatalí Rodríguez Ortega, Claudia Isabel Vargas Martínez
Pages: 109-115 | Vol: 105 | Nº 3 | Sep 2017 | Published: 30/09/2017
Abstract | PDF | Full text
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Journal of the Argentine Dental Association
Journal of the Argentine Dental Association, RAOA, is the main means of expression of Argentine scientific production in dentistry and a link and means of information for colleagues and institutions in the country and abroad.
Printed version ISSN 0004-4881
Electronic version ISSN 2683-7226.
DOI: 10.52979/raoa.1898
Title: Rev Asoc Odontol Argent